[net.misc] random walking terminal thought....

taylor (01/29/83)

	Hmmmm...with the proliferation of cordless telephones, and the advent
of good error-checking modem inerface lines (see the new Smart Modem Interface
from, uh, oh well, I can't remember, but they have an article in 'Business
Computer Monthly' about it) I wonder how long it will take until some bright
chap hooks up his terminal to a good modem system via a cordless phone...

	Think of it; you could wander the house toting your terminal...The
kid needs supervision?  No problems!  Grab the terminal and dash over!

	Ah well, a random thought at best.

					-- Dave Taylor

ps: I have heard that the static on the cordless phones is really bad; can
    anyone verify/prove me wrong?  

rjk (02/01/83)

I'd prefer cranial implantations for direct brain-to-processor hook-up.
Most terminals get heavy after awhile.  Surely there must be some area
where the synapses form an RS232 connection.  We'd need new mnemonics
like Cranial Detect and Request to Synapse...

iy47ab (02/01/83)

The static isn't all that bad per se...the reception is.  Cordless
phones have another, more pertinent problem; at present, none of them
has been made in the shape to fit into the existing modems.  However
this is trivial; basically with a little hacking and glueing (so to
speak) any smart space cadet could get the workings into a regular phone
reciever; with the slight problem that the recharging buttons would stick
out, depending on the brand of cordless you have.

Other than that it sounds like fun.  Except have you ever tried carrying
your terminal around the house for the heck of it?  NOT easy.  Those things
are not light...

Lady Arwen of U.C. San Diego

bam (02/01/83)

Too late,  we already have one that's used frequently.  Actually
a crt with a low powered UHF transciever in it so one can walk out to
the beach, listen to the waves and read netnews.

The battery only lasts 90 minutes, but you can't have everything.

Bret Marquis
UC San Diego