[net.misc] SocSec down in flames =~

trc (02/02/83)

	SS is at least a means of collecting funds from working individuals
	to support a group of people (retirees) that may have not prepared
	for retirement on their own. Chances are that left to their own
	means we would have more street people, more starving and freezing
	senior citizens. 

SS is at best a system that penalizes anyone who does attempt to save 
for their retirement by lowering their standard of living relative 
to others who dont bother.
	Before you flame-on and incinerate your tube, think... Maybe *you*
	believe that it would not happen to you, and maybe *you* would be
	able to prepare for retirement, but what about the majority??

What about the "majority"?  It depends upon your opinion of human beings,
I guess.  Do you believe that humans are semi-robots, incapable of choosing
what is right for them over the long term, and so not responsible for
wrong decisions they make?  Most of the folks I know, and I know some
pretty "silent majority" type folks, will build up enough assets, (or
loving family) by merely living honest, hard-working lives, to take
care of them in their old age.  At most, there might be a minority
of deserving but unfortunate people.  I can't say I really want to support
those who dont care enough about themselves to have attempted to support

	Have you ever read Charles Dickens? Think about the options available
	to his down and out characters. Not very pretty. It would seem that
	in such a rich (relative term) country as ours we could give the
	masses a little peace of mind when looking forward to retirement.

In a country as rich as ours, it should be so trivial to save up for one's
retirement that even bums in the street should be able to find enough
change that they could put aside to support them in the lifestyle they
are accustomed to.  And I, for one, dont believe in the concept of 
"the masses" - there are only individuals out there.

I honestly belive that the best way to "solve" the problem of SocSec
is to start ending it now.  Those who have been fooled into believing
that they need the system, should be patronized out of general revenues.
The longer they've been in it, the more they should get out of it.
In addition, there should be available low cost "life savings disaster
insurance", that would give sufficient assets to live off of, in one
lump sum.  This covers that minority of true unfortunates.

And, to help insure that no one gets enticed into a SocSec system in 
the future, lets start teaching our kids the basics of economics from
kindergarten on.  They will be better human beings for having learned
to rely on themselves, rather than to idly expect someone else to act
for their benefit.

		Tom Craver