[net.wanted.sources] Yacc Examples Here....

sigma@usl.UUCP (Spyridon Triantafyllopoulos) (01/16/85)

Finally, I got together (with the help of many net-people, whom I wish
to thank), some examples and doc on yacc and lex.

For additional documentation, the UNIX programming environment book
by Kernigham and Pike has a chapter on them, chapter 8. There is also
some stuff on lexical analysers and lex on Aho's book 
Principles of Compiler Design. (The one with the Dragon in the Cover).

Additional examples (if you have BSD 4.2) can be found in the 
source codes from Berkeley. I found a Pascal grammar, and grammars
for awk, grep, and other amenities.

The archive below contains the examples received (the small ones), 
plus the UNIX programmer manual examples. Enjoy them!!!!

-- Spiros

Spiros Triantafyllopoulos  <> USENET {ut-sally, akgua}!usl!sigma
Computer Science Dept, USL <> CSNet  TriantafyllopoulosS%usl@csnet-relay.ARPA

             "This file contains no opinions whatsoever"  
-------------- c u t  h e r e -------------- a n d   h e r e -------------

lex1            472255039   4     32    100644  465       `
[ \t]+$  ;
[ \t]+$ ;
[ \t]+  printf(" ");
                         int k;
[0-9]+                   {
                          if (k % 7 == 0)
                             printf("%d",k + 3);

yacc1           472255160   4     32    100644  869       `
%token abc
A : abc   { printf("hello abc\n"); }
int yya  = 1;
yylex () {
extern int yya;
if( yya++ == 1 ) 
  else exit(0) ;
%token month31 1
%token February 2
%token month30 3
%token firstdays 4
%token twonine 5
%token middledays 6
%token lateday 7
%token lastday 8
%token year 9
%token blank 10
%token comma 11
%start date
date:month blank day comma blank year     {printf("\nok");}
month:month31|month30|February ;
day:firstdays|twonine|middledays|lateday|lastday ;  
%token DING 1 DONG 2 DELL 3
rhyme : sound place ;
sound : DING DONG ;
place : DELL ;  
%right '='
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'
%token V 257
E : E '=' E
  | E '+' E
  | E '-' E
  | E '*' E
  | E '/' E
  | V ;

yacc2           472351254   4     32    100644  2322      `
	A Simple Example

	This example gives the Yacc specification for a small desk calculator;
	arithmetic expressions made up of the operators +, \-, *, /,
	% (mod operator), & (bitwise and), | (bitwise or), and assignment.
	If an expression at the top level is an assignment, the value is not
	printed; otherwise it is.
 	As in C, an integer that begins with 0 (zero) is assumed to be octal;
	otherwise, it is assumed to be decimal.

	As an example of a Yacc specification, the desk calculator
	does a reasonable job of showing how precedences and ambiguities
	are used, and demonstrating simple error recovery.
	The major oversimplifications are that the
	lexical analysis is much simpler than for most applications, and the
	Note the way that decimal and octal are read in by the grammar rules;
#  include  <stdio.h>
#  include  <ctype.h>
int  regs[26];
int  base;
%start  list

%left  '|'
%left  '&'
%left  '+'  '-'
%left  '*'  '/'  '%'
%left  UMINUS      /*  supplies  precedence  for  unary  minus  */

%%      /*  beginning  of  rules  section  */

list	:	/*  empty  */
	|	list  stat  '\n'
	|	list  error  '\n'
			{	yyerrok;  }

stat	:	expr
			{	printf( "%d\n", $1 );  }
	|	LETTER  '='  expr
			{	regs[$1]  =  $3;  }

expr	:	'('  expr  ')'
			{	$$  =  $2;  }
	|	expr  '+'  expr
			{	$$  =  $1  +  $3;  }
	|	expr  '-'  expr
			{	$$  =  $1  -  $3;  }
	|	expr  '*'  expr
			{	$$  =  $1  *  $3;  }
	|	expr  '/'  expr
			{	$$  =  $1  /  $3;  }
	|	expr  '%'  expr
			{	$$  =  $1  %  $3;  }
	|	expr  '&'  expr
			{	$$  =  $1  &  $3;  }
	|	expr  '|'  expr
			{	$$  =  $1  |  $3;  }
	|	'-'  expr        %prec  UMINUS
			{	$$  =  -$2;  }
			{	$$  =  regs[$1];  }
	|	number          

number	:	DIGIT
			{	$$ = $1;    base  =  ($1==0)  ?  8  :  10;  }
	|	number  DIGIT
			{	$$  =  base * $1  +  $2;  }

%%      /*  start  of  programs  */

	int  c;

	while(  (c=getchar())  ==  ' '  )  {	/*  skip  blanks  */  }

	/*  c  is  now  nonblank  */

	if(  islower(  c  )  )  {	
		yylval  =  c  -  'a';
		return  (  LETTER  );
	if(  isdigit(  c  )  )  {	
		yylval  =  c  -  '0';
		return(  DIGIT  );
	return(  c  );

yyerror( ) {		/* error handle routine */
	printf("error here..\n");

main() 	{

yacc3           472255563   4     32    100644  4409      `

#  include  <stdio.h>
#  include  <ctype.h>

typedef  struct  interval  {
	double  lo,  hi;

INTERVAL  vmul(),  vdiv();

double  atof();

double  dreg[ 26 ];
INTERVAL  vreg[ 26 ];


%start    lines

%union    {
	int  ival;
	double  dval;
	INTERVAL  vval;

%token  <ival>  DREG  VREG	/*  indices  into  dreg,  vreg  arrays  */

%token  <dval>  CONST		/*  floating  point  constant  */

%type  <dval>  dexp		/*  expression  */

%type  <vval>  vexp		/*  interval  expression  */

	/*  precedence  information  about  the  operators  */

%left	\'+\'  \'\-\'
%left	\'*\'  \'/\'
%left	UMINUS        /*  precedence  for  unary  minus  */


lines	:	/*  empty  */
	|	lines  line

line	:	dexp  \'\en\'
			{	printf(  "%15.8f\en",  $1  );  }
	|	vexp  \'\en\'
			{	printf(  "(%15.8f  ,  %15.8f  )\en",  $1.lo,  $1.hi  );  }
	|	DREG  \'=\'  dexp  \'\en\'
			{	dreg[$1]  =  $3;  }
	|	VREG  \'=\'  vexp  \'\en\'
			{	vreg[$1]  =  $3;  }
	|	error  \'\en\'
			{	yyerrok;  }

dexp	:	CONST
			{	$$  =  dreg[$1];  }
	|	dexp  \'+\'  dexp
			{	$$  =  $1  +  $3;  }
	|	dexp  \'\-\'  dexp
			{	$$  =  $1  \-  $3;  }
	|	dexp  \'*\'  dexp
			{	$$  =  $1  *  $3;  }
	|	dexp  \'/\'  dexp
			{	$$  =  $1  /  $3;  }
	|	\'\-\'  dexp	%prec  UMINUS
			{	$$  =  \- $2;  }
	|	\'(\'  dexp  \')\'
			{	$$  =  $2;  }

vexp	:	dexp
			{	$$.hi  =  $$.lo  =  $1;  }
	|	\'(\'  dexp  \',\'  dexp  \')\'
			$$.lo  =  $2;
			$$.hi  =  $4;
			if(  $$.lo  >  $$.hi  ){
				printf(  "interval  out  of  order\en"  );
			{	$$  =  vreg[$1];    }
	|	vexp  \'+\'  vexp
			{	$$.hi  =  $1.hi  +  $3.hi;
				$$.lo  =  $1.lo  +  $3.lo;    }
	|	dexp  \'+\'  vexp
			{	$$.hi  =  $1  +  $3.hi;
				$$.lo  =  $1  +  $3.lo;    }
	|	vexp  \'\-\'  vexp
			{	$$.hi  =  $1.hi  \-  $3.lo;
				$$.lo  =  $1.lo  \-  $3.hi;    }
	|	dexp  \'\-\'  vexp
			{	$$.hi  =  $1  \-  $3.lo;
				$$.lo  =  $1  \-  $3.hi;    }
	|	vexp  \'*\'  vexp
			{	$$  =  vmul(  $1.lo,  $1.hi,  $3  );  }
	|	dexp  \'*\'  vexp
			{	$$  =  vmul(  $1,  $1,  $3  );  }
	|	vexp  \'/\'  vexp
			{	if(  dcheck(  $3  )  )  YYERROR;
				$$  =  vdiv(  $1.lo,  $1.hi,  $3  );  }
	|	dexp  \'/\'  vexp
			{	if(  dcheck(  $3  )  )  YYERROR;
				$$  =  vdiv(  $1,  $1,  $3  );  }
	|	\'\-\'  vexp	%prec  UMINUS
			{	$$.hi  =  \-$2.lo;    $$.lo  =  \-$2.hi;    }
	|	\'(\'  vexp  \')\'
			{	$$  =  $2;  }


#  define  BSZ  50        /*  buffer  size  for  floating  point  numbers  */

	/*  lexical  analysis  */

	register  c;

	while(  (c=getchar())  ==  \' \'  ){  /*  skip  over  blanks  */  }

	if(  isupper(  c  )  ){
		yylval.ival  =  c  \-  \'A\';
		return(  VREG  );
	if(  islower(  c  )  ){
		yylval.ival  =  c  \-  \'a\';
		return(  DREG  );

	if(  isdigit(  c  )  ||  c==\'.\'  ){
		/*  gobble  up  digits,  points,  exponents  */

		char  buf[BSZ+1],  *cp  =  buf;
		int  dot  =  0,  exp  =  0;

		for(  ;  (cp\-buf)<BSZ  ;  ++cp,c=getchar()  ){

			*cp  =  c;
			if(  isdigit(  c  )  )  continue;
			if(  c  ==  \'.\'  ){
				if(  dot++  ||  exp  )  return(  \'.\'  );    /*  will  cause  syntax  error  */

			if(  c  ==  \'e\'  ){
				if(  exp++  )  return(  \'e\'  );    /*  will  cause  syntax  error  */

			/*  end  of  number  */
		*cp  =  \'\e0\';
		if(  (cp\-buf)  >=  BSZ  )  printf(  "constant  too  long:  truncated\en"  );
		else  ungetc(  c,  stdin  );    /*  push  back  last  char  read  */
		yylval.dval  =  atof(  buf  );
		return(  CONST  );
	return(  c  );

INTERVAL  hilo(  a,  b,  c,  d  )  double  a,  b,  c,  d;  {
	/*  returns  the  smallest  interval  containing  a,  b,  c,  and  d  */
	/*  used  by  *,  /  routines  */

	if(  a>b  )  {  v.hi  =  a;    v.lo  =  b;  }
	else  {  v.hi  =  b;    v.lo  =  a;  }

	if(  c>d  )  {
		if(  c>v.hi  )  v.hi  =  c;
		if(  d<v.lo  )  v.lo  =  d;
	else  {
		if(  d>v.hi  )  v.hi  =  d;
		if(  c<v.lo  )  v.lo  =  c;
	return(  v  );

INTERVAL  vmul(  a,  b,  v  )  double  a,  b;    INTERVAL  v;  {
	return(  hilo(  a*v.hi,  a*v.lo,  b*v.hi,  b*v.lo  )  );

dcheck(  v  )  INTERVAL  v;  {
	if(  v.hi  >=  0.  &&  v.lo  <=  0.  ){
		printf(  "divisor  interval  contains  0.\en"  );
		return(  1  );
	return(  0  );

INTERVAL  vdiv(  a,  b,  v  )  double  a,  b;    INTERVAL  v;  {
	return(  hilo(  a/v.hi,  a/v.lo,  b/v.hi,  b/v.lo  )  );

yacc4           472967049   4     32    100644  1333      `
/* Here is  a SIMPLE yacc program that evaluates logical
   expressions. The operators are:
   ~	not
   &	logical and
   |	   "    or
   >	   "    implication (if -> then, onlyif)
   =	   "    equivalence (if and only if)
   these are evaluated by '('s or in the order shown:
        not, and, or, >, =
   examples are:
   get it? */
%token BOOLEAN
%left  '&' '|' '>' '='
%left  '~'
	|	list '\n'
	|	list expr '\n'		{ printf(" %c\n",$2 ? 'T': 'F'); }
	|	list expr ','		{ printf(" %c,",$2 ? 'T': 'F'); }
expr:   BOOLEAN 			{ $$ = $1; }
	|	'~' expr		{ $$ = (!$2); }
        |       expr '&' expr		{ $$ = ($1 && $3); }
        |       expr '|' expr		{ $$ = ($1 || $3); }
        |       expr '>' expr		{ $$ = ((!$1) || $3); }
        |       expr '=' expr		{ $$ = ($1 == $3); }
        |       '(' expr ')'		{ $$ = $2; }
        |       '[' expr ']'		{ $$ = $2; }
#include <stdio.h>
main( )
	yyparse( );
	printf("syntax error\n");

	int c;
        while((c = getchar()) == ' ' || c == '\t');
	if (c == EOF) return(0);
	/*accept t, f, T, F */
	if ((c == 't') || (c == 'T') || (c == 'f') || (c == 'F'))
		yylval = ((c == 't') || (c == 'T'));
		return (BOOLEAN);
	return (c);
-------- c u t h e r e a l s o ------------------ have fun -------------

Software Disclaimer:
This terminal assumes no responsibility for the correctness of the above
stuff. Legal actions can be redirected to my lawyer at /dev/null or any
other suitable environment. Copyright rights that might have been violated
have my sympathy. 
-- Spiros