[net.misc] Interesting Text/Suicide

tfilm (02/14/83)

I just discovered a text that may be of some interest to the
philosophical, religious, suicidal and literary readers/
contributors. It is 'On the Nature of Suicide', a publication of
the American Association of Suicidology. I have only skimmed 
through it, so am not ready to discuss its contents, but
when I have placed the more interesting parts within
their context, will post some thoughts to the appropriate

tfilm (02/14/83)

Relay-Version:B 2.9+	1/11/83	mhb5b.UUCP
Date:Monday, 14-Feb-83 12:39:14 EST
Date-Received:Monday, 14-Feb-83 18:53:42 EST

I just discovered a text that may be of some interest to the
philosophical, religious, suicidal and literary readers/
contributors. It is 'On the Nature of Suicide', a publication of
the American Association of Suicidology. I have only skimmed
through it, so am not ready to discuss its contents, but
when I have placed the more interesting parts within
their context, will post some thoughts to the appropriate