[net.wanted.sources] H.P. Laser jet printcap anyone?

barto@celerity.UUCP (David Barto) (08/02/85)

I have a need for a printcap for an HP laser jet printer.  Anyone
on the net have such a beast?  I would be very happy to have it.

Thanks in advance for all you kindness...

David Barto, Celerity Computing, San Diego Ca, (619) 271-9940
decvax-\    bang-\			ARPA: celerity!barto@sdcsvax.ARPA
ucbvax--\   akgua-\

	"There are no moral lessons in nature" - Darwin

GMW@psuvm.BITNET (08/08/85)

     A number of people, including myself, have asked for an nroff driving
table for the H.P. LaserJet over the past few months.  As there have been no
replies, it might be time to assume that such an animal does not yet exist,
meaning one of us will have to generate one.  I will give it a shot, and of
course post the results, if someone can explain to me how it's done.  Please
contact me via email if you can help.
George M. Weaver
Penn State Astronomy Dept.