stone (02/16/83)
Lots of computers that aren't on networks manage to aquire a name anyway, if they have enough charisma and character. We called the old DEC PDP-8 in high school 'Stupid' in moments of affection, for instance. Rensselaer Polytech has an IBM 3033 nicknamed "Myron", somewhat after Sherlock Holmes' genius brother Mycroft. A friend has an Imsai S-100 mainframe named "Clumsai", and another has a Cromemco Z-2 dubbed "Cro-Magnon". But the strangest is a Z-80 machine called Ariel, after the sprite in Shakespeare's 'Tempest'. It boots up with a quote from The Tempest, and it was going to control a robot to be called "Caliban" ... -- Larry Stone