[net.wanted.sources] usenet software for 3B2 wanted

twh@mb2c.UUCP (Tim Hitchcock) (08/08/85)

Need usenet software for  3B2 system V.


Tim Hitchcock   { ihnp4, epsilon }!mb2c!twh

Ph: (313) 355-7236
Cornet:   342-7236

larry@kitty.UUCP (Larry Lippman) (08/15/85)

> Need usenet software for  3B2 system V.

	We have the full Usenet software running on a 3B2 in a virtually
bug-free manner.  We did this The Hard Way, and do not know of any other
3B2 sites running Usenet.
	I will be glad to share our Usenet software with any 3B2 site.  I
would also like to hear from anyone who has already ported Usenet to a 3B2
to compare a few experiences.

|	Larry Lippman @ Recognition Research Corp., Clarence, New York        |
|	UUCP	{decvax,dual,rocksanne,rocksvax,watmath}!sunybcs!kitty!larry  |
|	VOICE	716/741-9185		    {rice,shell}!baylor!/	      |
|	FAX	716/741-9635 {AT&T 3510D}	      syr!buf!/		      |
|	TELEX	69-71461 ansbak: ELGECOMCLR {via WUI}			      |
|									      |
|	"Have you hugged your cat today?"				      |

randy@wlcrjs.UUCP (Randy Suess) (08/16/85)

In article <317@kitty.UUCP> larry@kitty.UUCP (Larry Lippman) writes:
>> Need usenet software for  3B2 system V.
>do not know of any other
>3B2 sites running Usenet.
>	I
>would also like to hear from anyone who has already ported Usenet to a 3B2
>to compare a few experiences.
I have been running usenet/rn on my public access un*x system for almost two
years now on a Altos 586. A month ago, I got a 3b2/300 to which I added a pair
of 80 meg drives, ported the news/rn.4.3 source over from the ALtos, said
'make' and the next morning was back on the net.  Source is on-line for
anyone that wants it.
.. that's the biz, sweetheart...
Randy Suess
chi-net - Public Access UN*X
(312) 545 7535 (h) (312) 283 0559 (system)