[net.misc] A

macrev (02/18/83)

>From an article by Graham Storr in the February 1983 issue of
World Press Review:

Yo-yo n. Something that is occasionally up but normally down
         (see also Computer).

Data n.pl. An accrual of straws on the backs of theories.

Chemicals n.pl. Noxious substances from which modern foods are made.

God n. Darwin's chief rival.

Laser n. Failed death ray.

Weapon n. An index of the lack of development of a culture.

Robot n. University administrator.

University n. Institution where people incapacitated by an intellectual
         disposition can be put out of society's way.

Universe n. The problem.

Neutron bomb n. An explosive device of limited military value because,
         as it only destroys people without destroying property, it
         must be used on conjunction with bombs that destroy property.

Innovate v.i. Annoy people.

Paranoia n. A healthy understanding of the nature of the universe.

Mike Lynch
BTL Short Hills