[net.misc] Paranormal phenomina parse site string.

ee163cz (02/19/83)

   Methinks some of these so-called 'paranormal phenomina' might
be readily explained in terms of conventional Improbability
Physics.  Some people seem to generate their own Improbability
Fields, which could explain a lot of effects which,
though not truly impossible by conventional wisdom, are unlikely
enough to seem strange when they do happen, especially with
some (however little) consistency.  For example, my Improbability
Field causes computers to behave in bizarre and improbable ways
(like not working when they should, or working when they shouldn't),
and leads me to use almost immediately that feature with a
previously undetected bug in it.  Unfortunately, I have not been
able to control these improbabilities well enough to do anything
useful, like maybe causing Wells Froggo's computer to make a large
error in my favor.

   I could rant further about this subject, but I think I've made
enough of a fool of myself for the moment.

				-- Eric J. Wilner
				(for serious replies: NDvax!god)