[net.wanted.sources] Hack/Robots sources?????

trudel@caip.RUTGERS.EDU (Jonathan D. Trudel) (12/30/85)

Hello, net.

Rutgers' microcomputer lab just got an Amiga to use, and I have been put in 
charge of it.  I will eventually have a software library, and two of
the programs I would like to include in that library are robots and 
hack.  Specifically, I am looking for the sources, so that I can 'customize' 
the two for the Amiga.  If someone would be so gracious as to post
them directly to me, and *NOT* to the net, I would immensely appreciate 
it.  One quick question, and that is 'Are these programs as public
domain as I am led to believe, ie can I rewrite them as I wish to
suite my own needs?'  This of course implies that I wouldn't take all
the code written and claim it to be my own.  Thank you.  

Oh, yes.  Before you tell me to ask my own SAs, I already did, and the
asked me to ask the net in general instead of allowing me to poke
around with Rutgers' own sources.  


		-- Jonathan D. Trudel --
	      arpa: trudel@blue.rutgers.edu
	   Why, Crusher!  It's good to see you!