[net.wanted.sources] X and Franz Lisp

dcmartin@ingres.berkeley.edu.BERKELEY.EDU (David C. Martin) (04/29/86)

I am currently begging to build an X interface to Franz Lisp using the 
foreign function interface.  I would like to know if anyone has already 
done this interface and if so, the availability of the sources.



dcmartin@ingres.berkeley.edu.BERKELEY.EDU (David C. Martin) (04/30/86)

I mistakenly forgot to append my .signature (isn't Pnews supposed to do this

David C. Martin
University of California
College of Engineering
Electronics Research Lab
434 Evans Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720
arpa: dcmartin@ingres.Berkeley.EDU                 home: 5433 Thomas Avenue
uucp: {ihnp4,decvax}!ucbvax!dcmartin                     Oakland, CA 94618
at&t: 415/642-3560 (O) - 415/547-8569 (H)