[net.misc] mystical coathangers

rgvdh (02/24/83)

Surely the sceptics sould be able to find a response to the net
users who claim to have personally observed or themselves performed
successful dowsing that is more satisfiyng than sarcasm and
accusations that these people are all National Enquirer fans.
You folks claim to be the voice of reason, let's see some.

karn (03/01/83)

Here's a non-sarcastic answer to the challenge for an explanation
to dowsing, etc:

co-in-ci-dence (n) - The occurrence of events that happen at the same
time by accident but seem to have some connection; also: any of these

Did anyone see James Randi last night on "The Last Word"?  Normally that
show has the flavor of the New York Post, but it was remarkably sane
last night.  Randi reiterated his $10,000 prize, which he said is going
into its 19th year without a successful claimant.  He gave his address,
but I didn't catch it.
