[net.misc] "The Lady Arwen Fan Club"

jjm (02/24/83)

	OK, shall we start net.arwen?  

	By the way, I am still collecting official "titles" for 
	Mark Terribile, the man who started all of this
	"unmask Lady Arwen" uproar.  Please mail your responses
	to me (use the 'r' key).

	Among the names already suggested are:
		Mark the Terrible
		Trade Mark
		Doctor Net

	Vote for one of these, or make up one of your own.

	(Gee, this could get to be like CB radios, everyone will
	have their own "handle"... and then truckers will buy
	portable terminals and start net.smokey)

	Jim McParland (The Man of Many Molecules)
	American Bell - Holmdel

3951bb (03/03/83)

In order to join the Lady Arwen Fan Club, do we have to claim to be
Lady Arwen or non Lady Arwenites allowed in.


martillo (03/03/83)

Is Human Flesh Kasher?


However human milk is kasher.

As for Schab, this is probably something vile which
faranji (Ashkenazi or European or Vus-vus) Jews eat