[net.misc] Mystical coat hangers and dowsing

mark (03/08/83)

zinfandel!mark    Mar  6 17:11:00 1983

WWII concentration camps a hoax: the last I heard one of the survivors
of such a one had a lawsuit in progress to force whatever group it was
to pay up. Unfortunately I don't remember hearing if a decision had been
handed down, or what any of the names involved were. Does anybody know more?
Send me mail if you do; if I get lots of answers I'll summarize to the net.

FLAME ON: When you send me mail, please give me your name (at least more than
	foo@hi234) and some indication of the topic to which you're responding
	(more than "yes; Joe Smith; don't remember; not yet").
	Also please give a reasonable return address; a machine well known
	to you and the three people you work with might not be well known
	to someone on the other side of the country. I might want to write
	back you know.

	If you're going to take the trouble to respond, please take a little
	more trouble and make it possible for me to understand what you're
	talking about.

Mark Wittenberg