[net.misc] Too many non-contributors out there

sdo (02/23/83)

O.K. folks.  The recent questions about "CAR RT SORT" and the definition
of posslq only caused a hundred or so replies to be posted on the net.
Now I know that there are thousands of readers out there, so this must
mean that most of you are not trying very hard, or are not very smart.
Therefore, I'm going to ask a very simple question.  It has puzzled me
for a long time, and rather than do the laborious research, I'll let the
masses answer it.

The question is - Can anyone think of a word with the letter "e" in it?

As is customary, please post replies to the net.  And if you have a
good answer, make sure you don't read ahead before replying.  After all,
just because someone else knows the answer, it doesn't mean that
you shouldn't share the credit.  In all fairness, please don't grep
for the letter "e" in a dictionary file.  Use your imagination.
(As a sneaky trick I have included some "e" words in this very article.
Try to find them first.)

The purpose of all this is to get all the people who post the same
replies to the net to become so occupied that the rest of us can
unsubscribe to this newsgroup, and conduct a proper news network,
and find other topics to complain about.

If anyone thinks that this should be in net.flame, you are right,
but I'm putting it here anyway. So there.

			Send gifts and money to:
			Scott Orshan
			Bell Labs Piscataway

rjs (02/23/83)

I will not submit any words containing "e"!

bj (02/23/83)

If we have people send in words which contain the letter "e", the
net will get flooded with worthless messages.  Since we all know
plenty of words with the letter "e" already, let see some words
which don't contain the letter "e".  For those who are ambitious,
generate a sentence which doesn't use the letter "e".
My sentence is:

		Don't post stupid things.


dfz (02/23/83)

Aftr giving th issu many hours of carful thought, I admit I am unabl
to think of any words containing th lttr "e".
					Dav Ziffr

jfw (02/24/83)

About:  words containing 'e':

I can't think of any such words at all!

berry (02/24/83)

zinfandel!berry    Feb 23 14:58:00 1983

Let's see now, isn't UNIX* wonderful?

	grep e /usr/dict/words | inews ....

Berry Kercheval		Zehntel Inc.	(decvax!sytek!zehntel!zinfandel!berry)
*UNIX is a trademark of we-all-know-who

perelgut (02/25/83)

  My contribution without words containing "e":
	Scott Orshan is an arrogant fool who annoys many by mis-using
this forum.	:-)
  --- Cannot sign my id. It contains "e"s ---
P.S. Do grins count?

alain (03/07/83)

I saw long ago back in my country information about an author who put out
a fifty thousand word book without using a particular fifth symbol.
I will supply information about that by mail to anybody asking.

fjg (03/11/83)

B.J. at dec!vax-comix made the astounding discovery that if we all post
articles with words containing the letter 'e' that "...the net will get
flooded with worthless messages"

B.J. -- THAT WAS THE AUTHOR'S POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Joe Glynn  
P.S. I bet you also told us what 'CAR RT SORT' meant.