hall (03/15/83)
#N:uiucdcs:10600080:000:507 uiucdcs!hall Mar 14 19:12:00 1983 A couple of "stupid" questions: (1) What responsibilities do the curators of USENET machines have with respect to forwarding net.news? Can a given installation censor news it doesn't like to hear? Since a given machine polls another for news, it seems to me that if the polled site chooses not to store certain objectionable news items, this prevents anyone else down the line from receiving them. (2) Are there any type (1) problems for UNIX mail? --John (...pur-ee!uiucdcs!hall)
iy47ab (03/16/83)
Lots of problems with mail; for example, as far as I know, people on my machine cannot send mail directy directly (sorry) to ARPAnet people (because the at sign terminates a line, and also because I think someone set it up that way,, at Berkeley(?) or maybe even here, so we couldn't correspond. ) I'm not too sure about this, but it is certainly possible to censor mail, and it is done quite frequently when administrators at schools don't want the kids goofing off. I would assume it can be done for news also. arwen
hall (03/18/83)
#R:uiucdcs:10600080:uiucdcs:10600087:000:87 uiucdcs!hall Mar 17 18:52:00 1983 To enter an at sign (@), try typing control-v, then @. --John (...pur-ee!uiucdcs!hall)