[na.forsale] Diablo 620

mikey@canisius.UUCP (Mike Szymendera) (03/10/86)

Diablo 620 with serial interface for sale. This is a letter quality 
(daisy wheel) printer with a rated speed of 20 characters / sec.
Printer is approximately 2 years old with less than 10 hours of 
use, and is in excellent condition. Includes all maintenance
and user documentation . Asking $400.00 or best offer. Please respond
by e-mail or USNail only (no phone calls or news-followups).

USMAIL:	Mike Szymendera / Canisius College / 2001 Main St. / Buffalo,NY 14208
OFFICE: 42 55m 32s N / 78 51m 10s W / basement
VOICE:	(716) 883-7000 Extensions 697, 683, 413
UUCP:	...!{decvax|watmath|bbncca|rocksvax}!sunybcs!canisius!mikey
CSNET:	mikey%canisius@CSNET-relay     "So long, and thanks for all the fish"