[na.forsale] Atari, CPM equipment for sale.

ravi@mcnc.UUCP (Ravi Subrahmanyan) (07/16/86)

The following stuff is available for sale:

	1)	ATR8000:
		64K, with CP/M.  Has an RS232 port, a Centronics
		(printer)  port, and disk-drive port.  In the Atari
		mode the rs232 and printer ports replace the 850 interface, 
		and the disk drive port allows generic disk drives to be 
		added in addition to regular 810/1050/Indus etc. drives.  
		I've used 2 Tandon 100-2 drives (double sided, double
		density 360 K each) in addition to a 1050 and an Indus.
		The ATR also provides a 48K printer buffer (built in in
		Atari mode).  It works with all the old Atari machines.

		In the CP/M mode, it is a full CP/M machine using the
		ATARI as a terminal.  The full complement of CP/M 
		software can be run (Wordstar, Turbo Pascal, ZCPR3,
		Dbase II,  etc.)  You'll get the 80 column cartridge
		which works if you have a black&white TV or a
		monitor (works great on a commodore 1702).  Plus,
		of course, all the software you could possibly ask for:
		all the stuff mentioned above, plus Mbasic, Smodem,
		tons and tons of utilities, C compilers, assmeblers;
		you name it.

		It is also possible to add an MSDOS board (IBM PC
		compatibility without graphics) to the ATR, or 
		use it for a hard disk for the Atari.

	2)	Two Tandon 100-2 double-sided, double density drives.
		The drives are in cases, with power supplies, and are
		in pefect working condition and perfectly aligned.
		They come with all necessary cables.

	3)	A 1200XL and 835 modem; no big deal, but useful for spare 
		GTIA's and ANTIC's; plus Action!, BASIC, a few zillion 
		games, utilities, Atariwriter, lots of telecommunications
		stuff, and more.  Good for giving the kids their own
		machine to fight over and call BBS's with...

	For those who would like more info on the ATR8000, check out
	BYTE, December 83, page 329, or ANALOG's july '86 issue
	for a descriptive article.  

	As far as prices are concerned, I'll accept anything reasonable
	(be bold, make an offer!).  I'm primarily interested in getting
	the equipment out because I simply can't afford to spend time
	with it any more.  It is a lot of fun to play with, but I do
	have to graduate..   For a reference on list prices,  the ATR
	used to list for $500.00, and the disk drives now go for $100
	each for a bare drive, + $75 (approx) for case and power
	supply.  Offer whatever you can afford, I'm very flexible on 
	pricing.  Please reply to 


               		Dept. of Electrical Engg,
	       		Duke University,  
	       		Durham, NC 27706
               		work 919-684-3123
               		home   919-383-1031