jaf (03/23/83)
INFACT is the organization fighting Nestle and urging the Boycott. To quote from their publication: "Every minute two babies die - help save them - boycott Nestle. Nestle uses aggressive marketing techniques to promote their artificial infant formula in poor countries, persuading mothers to bottle-feed rather than breastfeed. But where water is contaminated, illiteracy high, and incomes low, safe preparation of formula is impossible. Babies are fed germ-laden, overdiluted milk mixtures that cause diarrhea and malnutrition. The World Health Organization estimates that one to three million infants die each year because they are improperly bottlefed. WHO drafted a marketing Code passed by the Assembly by a vote of 118 to 1 (the US casting the only negative vote) on May 21, 1981. Nestle pretended to agree with the Code but actually lobbied against its implementation. The Boycott is the only weapon we have to force the company to stop its advertising practices. Products to boycott among others; Stouffer restaurants and all Stouffer products, Taster's Choice, Quik, Nescafe, Souptime, Beechnut baby foods, Crosse and Blackwell products, Lancome cosmetics etc. Supporters of the boycott include American Baptist Churches, the ADA, American Library Assoc., Ambulatory Pediatrics Assoc., Coalition of Labor Union Women, Gray Panthers, Jewish Peace Fellowship, NOW, Unitarian Universalist Service Comm., UAW, YWCA, etc." Address for more information is National INFACT, 1701 University Ave. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414. Phone: 612-331-2333. (It also occurs to me that breastfeeding is often an effective method of birth control and is the reason nursing goes on so long in some societies - two years - so there may be another bad side effect from this whole business - a larger dying population of children). Judy Friedman (rabbit!jaf)