[na.forsale] Apollo workstations for sale

fuller@mcnc.UUCP (Bill Fuller) (10/13/86)

MCNC has two Apollo workstations for sale.  They are

Apollo 660
	DN660A-E-4MB	Color Workstation with 4MB Main Memory
			and Extended Display Memory
	KBD-MSE		Keyboard with Mouse
	MSD-1.2M	1.2MB Diskette Drive
	MSD-167M	Storage Subsystem with 167MB Winchester Disk
	SFW-IXC-N	Domain/IX: System V and Berkeley 4.2 UNIX
			with C Compiler
Apollo 560
	UPG-560-3MB	Color Workstation, field upgraded from DN550,
			with 3MB Main Memory (CPU is 68020)
	SDDM-1MB	Optional 4 Planes Dedicated Display Memory
	KBD-MSE		Keyboard with Mouse
	MSD-86M-TC	Storage Subsystem with 86MB Disk and 45MB
			Cartridge Tape
	SFW-IXC-N	Domain/IX:  System V and Berkeley 4.2 UNIX
			with C Compiler
The list price for the two machines new was $136,200.  We are 
asking $30,000 for the pair.  We will consider selling them
separately, but would prefer a single sale.

Serious inquiries may be addressed to
		Bill Fuller, Computer Facilities Manager
		Microelectronics Center of North Carolina
		P.O.Box 12889
		3021 Cornwallis Road
		Research Triangle Park, N.C.,  27709
		uucp:  {the known world}!{decvax,akgua}!mcnc!fuller