[gradnews] Chile Campaign for Human Rights

krj@na.toronto.edu (Ken Jackson) (11/07/88)

                Bulletin of the Chile Campaign for Human Rights
                          October -- November 1988
                         (Condensed e-mail version)

                Directed by Professor Israel Halperin,
                Mathematics Dept., University of Toronto,
                Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 1A1.
                Telephone:  (416) 978-4156

     1981-84: International Campaign Professor J.L. Massera (Uruguay)
     1984-86: International Campaign Orlov and Shcharansky (USSR)
     1986-86: International Campaign Orlov (USSR)
     1986-  : International Campaign All Victims Chile
     The Chile Campaign is directed by Professor Israel Halperin (Ph.D.
     Princeton, 1936) Fellow and Gold Medalist of the Royal Society of
     Canada.  It will escalate until world-wide opinion, without violence,
     brings an end to all abductions, torture and murder by official and
     unofficial agents of the Pinochet regime.
     The campaign has the support of:
     Claudio Arrau           Margaret Atwood         Samuel Beckett
     Saul Bellow             Leonard Bernstein       Robertson Davies
     Sir Colin Davis         Charles Dutoit          Odysseus Elytis
     Maureen Forrester       Northrop Frye           William Golding
     Arthur Miller           Czeslaw Milosz          Yves Montand
     Sir Georg Solti         Patrick White           Elie Wiessel
     Sir George Porter               (President, The Royal Society)
     Jo Benkow                       (Speaker of the Norwegian Parliament)
     Dr. Paulo Renato Costa Jonga    (Rector, Unicamp, Brazil)
     Dr. Klaus Ring                  (Rector, Univ. J.W. Goethe, Frankfurt)
     Ephriam Katzir                  (former president of Israel)
     Lord Brian Flowers              (Rector, University of London)
     Dr. George Verhaegen            (Rector, Free University of Brussels)
     Dr. O. Bastiansen               (President, Norwegian Academy of Science 
                                                             & Letters)
     Jack Lemmon                     (Star of the movie "Missing")
     Lord Alexander Todd, Linus Pauling and 110 other Nobel Laureates 
     Academicians from several countries including many in the Royal Society
     (U.K.), the Royal Society of Canada, the Australian Academy of Science,
     The Royal Norwegian Society of Science and Letters, The Norwegian
     Academy of Science and Letters.
     Many present and former Rectors, Chancellors and Presidents of 
     Universities; Clergymen, Artists and Writers; and thousands of others 
     in all walks of life in many countries.
     Supporting Organizations:
        The New York Academy of Sciences     
        The Committee of Concerned Scientists
        Math Section (Royal Society of Canada)
        Comite' des Physiciens Francais
        The Norwegian Physical Society
        Comite' Yuri Orlov (Switzerland)
        Actors Equity of New Zealand and Australia
        Canadian Labour Congress
        Ontario Federation of Labour
        The Criminal Lawyers Association (Canada)
        National Academies of Science of Bolivia and India
        Canadian Committee of Scientists and Scholars
        Comite' des Mathematiciens (France)
        The German Physical Society
        The Chemical Institute of Canada
        Fellowship of Reconciliation
        Alliance Canadian Cinema, T.V. and Radio Artists
        United Steelworkers of America
        The Jesuits of Canada
        The Association of Canadian University Teachers of English
        The Law Union of Ontario
        National Math Societies of Calcutta, Canada, Costa Rica, Mexico, Norway 
             and Portugal
        Faculty Associations of Canadian Universities:  Toronto, Brock, 
             Mt. Alison, Western Ontario, Moncton, Simon Fraser, British 
             Columbia, Windsor, McMaster, Laval, Guelph and Trent
        P.E.N. International Playwrights, Essayists and Novelists (Canadian 
        Social Responsibility and Justice Committee, United Church, Australia
        Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America (Canada)
        Division of World Outreach (London Conf., United Church, Canada)
        The Pavlovian Society of North America
        The German Commission for Rights of Chilean Women
        The Ontario Chapter of the Chilean College of Physicians
        Brazilian Society for Mathematics, Applied and Computing (SBMAC)
        Latin America Society of Biophysics
        ACM Committee on Freedom of Science
        Asocia'cion Universita'ria y Cultural Andres Bello (Chile)
        Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture
        Swedish Committee for Freedom of Science
        The Committee of University Scientists of Germany (FRG)
        Faculty of Science of the University of Witwatersrand (South Africa)
        Federal Australian University Staff Associations
     (A more complete list of supporters is given in the Bulletin.)
     Pinochet has announced measures which promise a decrease in abuse of human
     rights, but abduction and torture continue.  The promises are not actually
     carried out.
     Msgr. Cristian Precht, Vicar General of Santiago, August 1987:
        "The time has come to stop arguing about whether or not there is
        torture; we all know that there is torture."
     In August 1987, the Chilean Bishops' conference denounced the
     continued use of torture.
     Typical cases reported to the Chilean Commission on Human Rights:
        - Pedro Marin Hernandez, 31 year old doctor, beaten by Chilean Security
          Forces (CNI), electric current applied to his genitals, then raped
          by a male CNI agent.
        - Leopoldo Francisco Orrego Saez, 28 years old, electric current
          applied to temple, hands, ears, legs;  warned he would pay dearly
          if he reported the torture.
        - Raquel Marcela Espinoza Orellana, 24 year old woman, raped.
        - Claudio Patricio Pino Cortes, beaten, died from injuries.
     The Chilean Commission on Human Rights, 1987:
        The number of cases of kidnappings by paramilitary groups during the
        the first six months of 1987 was more than double the number in
        1986.  By the end of September, 108 kidnappings had been reported.
        Not one agent has been punished.
     Amnesty International, May 1988:
        Cases in Chile of nearly 700 "disappeared" persons have been
        sufficiently documented to have been presented to the courts, but
        judicial investigations were blocked by higher courts or by the
        security forces.
     The Canadian Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights, September 1988:
        Abuses documented during the past 12 months include systematic
        torture, imprisonment of journalists, attacks on church and human
        rights organizations, abductions and death threats by paramilitary
        groups clearly linked to the official security forces.
     Actions of foreign governments:
        Fifteen years ago, in a shockingly bloody coup, Pinochet's armed
        forces murdered the legally elected president, abolished Parliament,
        replaced mayors by Pinochet appointees, subjected each university to
        the control of a military boss, and smashed the unions.  Within two
        weeks of this coup, thirty foreign countries gave Pinochet formal
        Today, an international storm of condemnation of Pinochet has led
        many governments to express disapproval of abuse of human rights in
        Chile.  But their agencies continue to finance an enormous flow of
        investment and military supplies to Chile without which Pinochet
        could hardly continue -- and this support makes no reference to a
        required elimination of torture.
     Letter of 22 December 1987 from the Government of Canada:
        ... Canadian representatives in November 1987 voted for the Mexican
        sponsored resolution in the United Nation's Third Committee
        condemning the human rights situation in Chile.
     But the Chilean Ambassador in Ottawa wrote on 12 September 1988:
        The Canadian representatives when voting for the Mexican resolution
        have consistently denounced the bias against Chile in this matter of
        human rights.
     Canadian member of Parliament, Dan Heap, stated at a public meeting in 
     Toronto on 11 September 1988:
        When I visited Chile in 1985, the Canadian Ambassador said to me:
        "Chile, under Pinochet, was right to reduce the buying power of the
        people so as to compete better in the international market.  Canada
        has the same problem and must use the same remedy."
     From a letter sent to 316 Mayors in Chile, 1 July 1988:
        ... Canadians are disturbed by the reports of abduction, torture,
        and even murder of persons not in favour with the present government
        ... many Canadians believe that, behind closed walls, the grave
        abuse of human life continues ... we urge you to use your influence
        to bring about a state of affairs in which all persons in Chile
        enjoy the protection of their civil rights.
     Message to every member nation of the Human Rights Commission of the
     United Nations signed by 110 Nobel Laureates:
        The inhuman practice of abduction, torture and oppression in Chile
        has been condemned by world-wide opinion.  The Human Rights
        Commission has rebuked the Government of Chile but has failed to
        take effective measures to stop the practice.  This failure
        undermines the credibility of the Commission and weakens the United
        Nations.  The undersigned Nobel Laureates call on the Commission to
        take action that will be effective in stopping torture and
        oppression in Chile.
     Bulletins are distributed in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese
     and German three times a year.
     Famous or not, you can raise your voice.  Send a letter to the President
     or Prime Minister of your country urging that all financial and economic 
     aid given to Chile should be conditional on the elimination of torture.
     Then send a copy of that letter the Ambassador, Embassy of Chile, in the
     capital city of your country (a more precise address is not necessary).
     You can also help by either making a modest financial contribution in
     support of the Bulletin or by offering to distribute the Bulletin.  The
     work of this campaign is done entirely by volunteers -- there are no
     salaried employees.  Our expenses are high, but they are exclusively
     printing, postage and telephone.  We distribute a tremendous number of
     copies of the Bulletin, especially in Chile.
     If you wish to support the campaign, fill in the form below and mail
     it to
                     Professor Israel Halperin,
                     Mathematics Dept., 
                     University of Toronto,
                     Toronto, Ontario, 
                     Canada, M5S 1A1.
     ----------------------  C U T   H E R E  --------------------------------
     Name: ___________________________________________________________________
     Address: ________________________________________________________________
     Institution: ____________________________________________________________
     Telephone:  _____________________________________________________________
     E-mail:  ________________________________________________________________
     ___  I wish to be listed as a supported of Chile Campaign for Human Rights.
     ___  I wish to make a financial contribution of _________ to the support
          of the Campaign.  Please make cheques payable to C.H.R. (Campaigns
          for Human Rights).
     ___  I will distribute copies of the Bulletin to my colleagues.
          Please specify 
             How many:  _______
             To whom:   ______________________________________________________
             Can you make the needed copies yourself:   ____  Yes        ___ No

     ----------------------  C U T   H E R E  --------------------------------

Kenneth R. Jackson,            krj@na.toronto.edu   (on Internet, CSNet, 
Computer Science Dept.,                              ARPAnet, BITNET)
University of Toronto,         krj@na.utoronto.ca   (CDNnet and other 
Toronto, Canada  M5S 1A4                             X.400 nets (Europe))
(416) 978-7075