[gradnews] Experienced C Programmers, $$$ Needed as Subjects $$$

ilona@dgp.toronto.edu (Ilona Rott Posner) (11/22/88)

If you have a fair amount of see experience (have written several
thousand lines of C code) and would like to take part in a 
"Program Visualization Experiment" please contact Ilona Posner 
Details: The experement involves some programming tasks, of varying 
complexity.  The subjects will be paid at $10/hour for the total of
6 hours.  It will place in two 3 hour sessions.

There will be one session this coming week: part 1 will take place
Saturday, November 26, 2-5pm, part 2 will be held Monday, November
28, 6-9pm.

There will probably another session sometime in the future.  If you
are interested in participating and can not make it this coming week
then please contact me, with the dates that you will be able to take

If you have any questions, please contact:  ilona@dgp