[gradnews] ITRC Graduate Student Directory - 1990

itrctor@csri.toronto.edu (Ron Riesenbach) (01/06/90)

                     C A L L   F O R   P A R T I C I P A T I O N

                        ITRC Graduate Student Directory - 1990

  The Information Technology Research Centre (ITRC) is now compiling the 1990 
edition of it's Graduate Student Directory.  This annual publication contains
the biographical data and research accomplishments of graduate students whose 
supervisors are involved in information technology research at the following
four Universities:

          o  University of Toronto
          o  University of Waterloo
          o  Queen's University
          o  University of Western Ontario.

Once compiled, the directory will be distributed to companies who are members of
ITRC's Industrial Affiliates Program and other academic and government
institutions interested in high technology research in Ontario.

Who should Participate?

  Masters and Ph.D. students whose supervisors are involved in an ITRC 
research project or are conducting research at one of the four institutions
listed above in any of the following five areas of investigation:

          o  Microelectronics
          o  Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Sciences, Intelligent Control
          o  Software Systems and Graphics
          o  Mathematics of Computation
          o  Computer Networks and Communication

If your supervisor is not involved in these areas then this initiative is not
appropriate for you.

  Your participation is strictly voluntary.  If you do submit a CV, then we will
interpret this as you giving us permission to include your CV in the directory.
If you choose not to submit a CV then you won't be included.  Please discuss
your participation with your supervisor prior to submitting your CV.

  Last year approximately 120 graduate students participated.  Table copies of 
the 1989 Directory are available for viewing at your department's graduate
student office.  Those students who submitted CV's last year must update and
resubmit them to be included in this years publication.

Why you should Participate:

  The Directory is published and distributed to senior representatives of our 
industrial affiliates who are among Canada's leaders in information technology
research and development.  Through this unique Directory, these individuals will
have the opportunity to read your CV and become familiar with your
accomplishments.  Whether you decide to work in industry after graduation or
not, this exposure may lead to important personal contacts within a wide
variety of Ontario industries.

How to Submit your CV:

  A TROFF biographical data form has been prepared and is resident on the "csri"
cluster of SUNs at the University of Toronto.  Using the UNIX network, you will
retrieve this file via "ftp", modify it by entering your own biographical data,
and e-mail it to a special account on those machines.  Follow this procedure:

1.  logon to any network-connected UNIX machine and execute the following 

   Command                               Comment
% ftp csri.utoronto.ca       <== access the "csri" machines 
 name>   anonymous           <== the machine will prompt you; answer "anonymous"
 password> <your login name> <== type your login name here
> cd pub                     <== go to the ``public'' directory
> get Grad.ms                <== get the file``Grad.ms" (note the capital "G")
> quit                       <== quit

     If ftp says "csri.utoronto.ca: unknown host", type "quit" and try

2.   Edit the file Grad.ms (which now resides on your local machine) using your
     favorite text editor.  Insert your biographical information in the
     appropriate places according to the comments in the file.  Print it to
     ensure that it is properly formatted and no more than 2-pages long.

3.   Finally, e-mail a copy of this file (before Feb. 19) to
     gradcv@csri.utoronto.ca with the subject line reading:
     "CV - <your last name>".  The account will automatically acknowledge the
     receipt of your file.


   If you have questions or problems contact Ron Riesenbach by e-mail at 
itrctor@csri.utoronto.ca or by phone at (416) 978-8508.

                   --- Deadline: February 19, 1990 ---