[net.misc] The larger issue of the Nestle boycott, & South Africa

tom (04/01/83)

I just saw "Last Grave at Dimbaza" which was disturbing enough, but then to
read the heartlessness of MAB's reply on Nestle made me want to post this.

"Last Grave at Dimbaza" is a movie made illegally and smuggled out of South
Africa in the late '70's.  It leaves no questions about South African Politics.
Apartheid is slavery, but it is also worse than slavery.  It tears families
apart and keeps them in poverty and slavery to the fascist state (one of the
main spokesmen for S.A. politics was (and is) a Hitler supporter).
Malnutrition is rampant among blacks in this richest country in Euro-Africa,
this is no doubt planned by the government, as protein deficiency in children
leaves them either dead, mentally handicapped or physically handicapped 
(apathetic).  What better way to suppress revolution than to have a nation
of ignorant zombie-slaves ruled over by fascist militarists who propagate
their own illusion of racial superiority by enforced malnutrition?

South Africa has numerous multinational companies doing business there taking
advantage of the slave-wages (IBM, Shell and numerous others).

How many diamonds/gold have you bought (from South Africa) recently?
Do you work for a company dealing with South Africa?