[att.chi] Desirable Software Characteristics

hfaml@houxf.UUCP (A.LUND) (07/26/84)


I have to evaluate software packages to determine which packages
an organization should support and use when developing new software
(especially computer-human interfaces).  I would like the software
and the tools that come with it (e.g., documentation, commenting,
rapid interface development software, and so on) to be easy for those
that have to use it to create applications, and easy to support for
those that have the responsibility for answering questions about it,
debugging it, and enhancing it.

If your job involves using software someone else has written
to build applications (as mentioned, especially those involving
computer-human interfaces), what are the most important things
you want from a software package (software and tools) that you are using?

If your job involves supporting software that someone else is
using to build applications, what are the most important things
you want from a software package (software and tools)?

Briefly, what software packages do you use, do you like them,
and what do you do with them?  Any other comments, flames,
prejudices, etc. also welcome!

Any responses will be greatly appreciated, and should be sent to
Arnie Lund
HO 2B-638
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Holmdel, NJ 07733
