[att.chi] EDRA 16th Conference

lute@abnjh.UUCP (J. Collymore) (10/10/84)

The Environmental Design Research Association is issuing a call for
participation, for its 16th conference scheduled June 10-13, 1985 in New York
City.  The theme of the conference will be:  "Environmental Change/Social

Submissions can be: completed papers, proposals for workshops and poster
sessions, symposia, student competition entries, completed films and videos.
These should be sent to the Conference Committee by November 1, 1984.

For more information regarding submissions in all categories contact:

			Madeline Goss
			Conference Administrator
			EDRA 1985
			Environmental Psychology Program
			The Graduate School and University Center
			City University of New York
			33 W. 42nd St.
			N.Y., N.Y. 10036
