[net.micro.ti] TI RS232 to ANY MODEM

ees@vax135.UUCP (Gene Sampieri) (02/15/85)


The following table gives the connections for the standard NULL-MODEM as
sold by most computer supply comanies.


		1	1
		2	3
		3	2
		4,5	8
		6,22	20
		7	7
		8	4,5
		20	6,22
		22	4,5

This will work with most modem without modification. I use a Hayes 1200
and this. I have also used an ATT made by Penril that neesd pin 20 (DTR)
at the modem end tied to 6 (DSR) of the same end. Others I know who use
various modems from acoustic couplers to dirrect connect use it one of
two ways.

Gene Sammpieri
ATT-Bell Labs