[fa.info-mac] CompuShop specials: no more !!!!

info-mac@uw-beaver (07/11/84)

From: Werner Uhrig  <CMP.WERNER@UTEXAS-20.ARPA>
the "33% off" sale was limited to "items in stock", and after having
been "on the waiting list" for the duration of the sale, the manager told
me after closing time last Saturday, that CompuShop will no longer be carrying
anything by Apple - so I won't be able to get anything for anybody who asked.

Strange, I had the vibes that CompuShop might be close to folding, and that
selling their MacInventory was an attempt at getting a quick cash-infusion.

Does anyone know more?  I also noticed that there was no warranty card with
the drive, but that CompuShop took down the buyer information "to get them
registered", they said.  Now I wonder, should I have any troubles with the
external drive, will CompuShop be of any help?