[net.misc] Living in San Diego

unicorn (04/12/83)


I read with interest all of the articles submitted about living
in different parts of the country.  I have lived in both Chicago
(yech), Los Angeles, and San Diego.  I can wholeheartedly
recommend San Diego above everyplace else I've ever been--
except Kauai--where you can't make a living anyhow.

The weather is ideal almost all year long;  the coldest it gets
inland, where I live, is 30 degrees.  I threw away all my coats
when I left Chicago...at best you need a heavy jacket or sweater.

We have a rainy season the beginning of each year, but the rest
of the year is warm & sunny.  As yet, we don't have the traffic
problems that L.A. does, but if too many more people move here,
we will.  Our smog is minimal;  what we do have drifts down from
L.A.  The scenery is simply beautiful:  from the beaches to the
mountains and rolling hills, and flowers all year long.

As for culture, we have the Old Globe Theatre (traditional) and
San Diego Rep Theatre (non-traditional);  as for schools, I
believe UCSD to be one of the finest places to learn.  I thought
I would experience culture shock when I left Chicago, but there
I was more worried about my purse being ripped off than I was
about going places.

Finally, I know there are more liberal places to live, but I
have never experienced racial prejudices here...living in an
upper middle class suburban neighborhood, I have experienced
rejection from the women around me who don't work and who also
have children (I have 2 girls).  But I suppose that would exist
almost anywhere.

All my votes go to San Diego.