[fa.info-mac] Q: using foreign modems and printers on MAC

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (07/13/84)

From: Werner Uhrig  <CMP.WERNER@UTEXAS-20.ARPA>
"the rest of us" often already have modems (USR auto dial 212A) and printers
hooked up to "older" systems.  Any thoughts or leads to written information
on how to use USR on MAC or Applemodem on a Z100, and LA36 on MAC and/or
ApplePrinter on Z100 ...
				would come in handy.

Also, how to connect MAC and Z100 directly ......

Surely, this friendly little machine is willing to share some peripherals
with the old work-horses in our electronic Dungeons, right ??

	"imagine here, the fried egg of the Cairo",

	"I compute therefore I don't get enough sleep"