info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (07/13/84)
From: Bill Croft <croft@safe> Thanks for posting this, Jeff and Dan. Great program! Have you ever fooled with the Casio keyboards? When they store a melody, the length that you hold down a key determines its time value (roughly). Any time after storing the initial tune, you can go back and touch up the time values. They do this with a key (actually 2 buttons, because alternating fingers can fire faster than a single one) called "one key play". This mode reads the pitches out of memory, but the note time values (and rests) are determined by how long you hold down (or release) the "one key" buttons. Thus you can play the tune sloppy the first time with the white and black keys, and then get the timing right with another pass using "one key". It would also be nice to get some use for your other hand, perhaps using the space bar as a backspace key. Thanks again for your community spirit in sharing this with info-mac! [Ed. A correction to the location of these files on SUMEX. They are under <INFO-MAC>MACMELODY.HLP and <INFO-MAC>MACMELODY.DL]