[fa.info-mac] Other news from NCC

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (07/13/84)

Some other useful software products at NCC (check out the 7/9 WSJ or USA Today
for the big Apple Ad) ;

FILEVISION - A rather impressive graphics/object oriented database program
 from TELOS software. Could really be a big hit. Check your local dealer.
 It's worth a peek.

DAVONG HARD DISK - Imagine opening a disk icon, and seeing '8290K available'!
  Can't wait.

MAC-DAISYWHEEL Connection - from Assimilation Process, allows the MACintosh to
  print with any popular daisy wheel letter quality printer. Also, EPSON had a
  program (printer driver) there that allowed the EPSON FX and MX printers to
  be used on the MAC.

KOALA Video Interface - with software by Bill Atkinson, this device adds a
  desktop accessory on the MAC which allows you to read in from any composite 
  video source (VCR, B/W Camera) into the Clipboard. You can then paste into
  MACWRITE (or anywhere else), and edit at will. KOALA Hardware and software
  will sell for approx. $300. You can buy a B/W camera for about $300 as well.
  This should be a big hit.

LOTUS MAC Product - Lotus should us a '75% complete' version of their unnamed
  MAC product, essentially a MAC version of SYMPHONY. They didn't show much,
  so I could get too impressed. I was definitely not impressed with what they
  showed. I thought their choice of menus and dialog boxes was rather poor.

LISA 7/7 - Apple has done a smart thing with their LISA software packages.
  They upgraded all the packages (Lisa Calc,Draw,Graph,List,Project,Terminal,
  and Write) and packaged them together into one package called Lisa 7/7. It
  is a complete integrated package for $695. Needs a Lisa 2, with 1MB memory,
  and a hard disk. 

SARGON III - looks neat on the MAC!

MACPascal and MACterminal are supposedly available now. A new disk based
MACwrite is coming, but not from Apple.

This is all I know on these things, so please don't ask me anything further.
Check your local dealer for more info.

-- Ed

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (07/14/84)

From: John W. Peterson <JW-Peterson@UTAH-20.ARPA>
A friend of a friend of mine is doing the "Extended MacWrite".  He doesn't
work for apple, but he works with them the same as Think and Encore do.

Here's what I've heard about it;  Will be definitly disk based and handle
larger documents faster than MacWrite; will include a resident spelling
checker; is being "hand crafted" in machine code, so it should be pretty
responsive; selection of formatting tools may be a little better.  I'll
get a chance to talk to the guy next week, may have some more info then.
