info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (07/16/84)
From: I don't know about using a foreign printer with the Mac, but it should be fairly easy to use the Imagewriter with another computer. The manual that comes with the Imagewriter is quite complete, and actually tells you which control codes perform which functions. I suspect the only reason that you get this information free with the printer (rather than for $150 extra) is that Apple also is (was?) selling the Imagewriter for use with the II/IIe. Otherwise, the manual would probably only tell how to load paper, and take a page describing the function of the ON/OFF switch. Before visions of New York, Geneva, London, etc. fonts from your <y-brand> computer go rushing to your head, remember that the Mac prints EVERYTHING (except "draft" MacWrite output) using graphics mode. The Imagewriter is a quite respectable MX-80 class printer, but much of its usefulness comes from the machine driving it.