info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (07/17/84)
From: lewis@harvard.ARPA (Harry Lewis) I too have seen the tecmar attached to a Mac and am very unimpressed with its speed. Launching Macpaint off the Tecmar takes at best 50% of the time it takes to launch it from the internal floppy, maybe more. In addition, whenever you run an application from the Tecmar, if there is a floppy in the internal drive, that drive spins for a few seconds both on launching from the Tecmar and on returning to the finder. (Why??) If there is no internal floppy mounted, however, everything works fine. Another note: I don't have any personal experience with either Tecmar or Davong, but a friend who has marketed a substantial database application on the IBM PC using both Tecmar and Davong winchesters reports serious reliability problems with Tecmar drives and very good experience with Davongs. Can anyone else corroborate this?