[fa.info-mac] MacWrite Document Format

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (07/25/84)

From: winkler@harvard.ARPA (Dan Winkler)
		MacWrite Disk File Format

A MacWrite file starts off with global data concerning the state of the 
program when the file is saved.  After this comes information about each
window, i.e. the main document, header, and footer.  Then follows the
actual paragraph data for each of the windows.

Global Variables - 20 bytes total

Version Number - A word containing the version number of the file
	format.  (Should be 3)

Paragraph Offset - A word containing the file position of the start of
	paragraph data in the file.

Main Document Paragraph Count - A word.

Header Paragraph Count - A word.

Footer Paragraph Count - A word.

Title Page Flag - 1 byte set true if the first page header is not to be

Scrap Show Flag - 1 byte set true if the scrap is to be displayed.

Footer Displayed Flag - 1 byte true if the footer is displayed.

Header Displayed Flag - 1 byte true if the header is displayed.

Rulers Showing Flag - 1 byte true if rulers are hidden.

Spare Byte.

Active Document Number - A word telling which window was activated at
	the time of the save (0=main, 1=header, 2=footer).

Starting Page Number - A word containing the page number of the first

Printing Variables - 120 bytes

Document Variables - 34 bytes for each document

Start of Selection - 2 words, 1 for paragraph number and 1 for character

End of Selection - 2 words same as above.

Vertical Offset - A word for the position of the top of the page at the
	time of the save.  Always negative or 0.

Need to Redraw - A word telling which paragraph to redraw the document
	from when loaded.

Page Number Position - 2 words for the position of the top left point of
	the page number icon. (Vertical, Horizontal)

Date Position - 2 words for the position of the top left point of the
	date icon.

Time Position - 2 words for the position of the top left point of the
	time icon rectangle.

Time Coordinates - 2 words for the position the time string was actually

Icon Redraw - 1 byte true if the icons have to be redrawn.

Icon Flag - 1 byte true if the rulers were showing when the icons were
	last updated.

Active Font Number - A word for the font that was active at the time of
	the save.

Active Style Number - A word for the face that was active.

The main document variables are stored first, followed by the header and
	then the footer.

Info Arrays

One array for each document, with 8 bytes per paragraph in the document.
Each array element contains a word for the height of the paragraph, a
word for the position, 1 byte for the pagenumber (zero based), and 3
unused bytes.  The arrays are stored main document first, then header
and footer.

Paragraph Data

The main document paragraphs are stored first, then those of the header
and footer.  Each paragraph starts with a word for the type (0=ruler,
1=text, 2=picture) and a word for the length of the actual data.  Then
follows the data for the paragraph.  Each text paragraph starts with a
word for the text length.  Then the ASCII data follows.  On the even
word boundary following the text there is a word for the format run
length.  Each format consists of six bytes: the first word is the
character position that this format change starts on.  Next comes one
byte for the point size, on byte for the style, an unused byte, and then
a word for the font number.