info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (07/25/84)
From: Ed Pattermann <PATTERMANN@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA> The program to convert MACintosh bitmap files to IMPRESS format is now available. The following files are on {SUMEX}<INFO-MAC> ; MACIMP.EXE ;TOPS20 Executable file MACIMP.PAS ;TOPS20 source SCREEN.MP ;SAMPLE Macpaint file SCREEN.IMP ;IMP file of above Note this version of MACIMP is for TOPS20 systems only. A Unix version of MACIMP is under development. The previously mentioned program, MACaid, will be a collection of TOPS20 Mac tools under one program. MACIMP has been separately broken out of MACaid so that it can be made available now. -- Ed -------