[fa.info-mac] Macintosh external disk drive

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (07/26/84)

From: mclure@Sri-Unix.arpa
    Well, I took the plunge and bought an external micro-floppy drive
for the Mac.

    I had seen pictures of it, but it is definitely smaller than I
expected.  And *noiser*.  I've played around with it a bit and have
copied files back and forth between drives with no problem.

    It sure is nice to be able to have a normal "system disk with
tools" and a "file storage" disk both at the same time.  It frees up a
lot of space for files and applications on separate disks.

    I intend to wait a considerable amount of time before looking into
Winchester technology for the Macintosh.  From what I have heard, it is
not up to par yet.  Neither Davong or Tecmar sound like reasonable
purchases.  I don't like to hear "funny" or "odd" things about
Winchester products.  And I have heard these things about these

    I plan to wait at least 6 to 12 months before even considering
the purchase of a MacWinchester, barring some surprising product
