[fa.info-mac] Three button mouse on a mac?

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (08/09/84)

From: Christopher A Kent <cak@Purdue.ARPA>
Has anyone considered attaching a three button mouse to a Mac? Before
you decide this is utter lunacy ...

I'm considering getting a (non-consortium) Mac. This means that I won't
have access to cheap beta releases of MacTerm and other goodies. One of
my main intended uses is as a home terminal for emacs; I would like
very much to be able to use the mouse to move the cursor around. Since
MacTerm probably isn't going to provide anything like this (other than
phoney arrow key support, which won't cut it), I figure I'll have to
use SuMACc to write my own (I have other ideas for it too, but they're
not important here).

I also have this "spare" three button Hawley (i.e. mechanical) mouse.
And other random micro hardware. It occurs to me that if the output
from the standard MacMouse is like the Hawley mouse, but with only one
button, I could put a z80 or such between the 3button mouse and the
mac, passing all the motion lines directly, and ORing the button
presses together. Thus the Mac software would work fine. 

But I could get crafty and insert special button press sequences into
the output stream to the host, and Emacs and other programs could take
advantage of three buttons for bindings! 

Does anyone know? Are the squeaks from the MacMouse the "normal" 4
lines of shaft encoder output? Or are they more clever?


info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (08/11/84)

From: Michael Rubin <RUBIN@COLUMBIA-20.ARPA>
I haven't put a scope on the Mac mouse, but the innards seem to be just
optical shaft encoders (read: slotted wheels and LED's, one on each axis).
Someplace in the Mac documentation it says the mouse sends 90 pulses/inch of
travel.  If I were doing this, I might be tempted to modify the Apple mouse
instead; but I happen to dislike the feel of Hawleys.

Your Z80 (or whatever) button coprocessor should probably insert codes into the
Mac's INPUT stream rather than the output; that way you can make the Mac do
appropriate things rather than hacking up your EMACS.  Or the Z80 could
translate one button into a regular click, another into double-click and the
third into triple-click (I'm not sure if the Toolbox knows about triple-click).
If you got really clever, you might find a way of interfacing the Z80 to the
keyboard so that one button could act like shift-click and another like


info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (08/11/84)

From: winkler@harvard.ARPA (Dan Winkler)
The beta version of MacTerminal does allow you to move the cursor
using the mouse.  You point the mouse, hold down the option key,
and click and MacTerminal sends the appropriate cursor addressing
commands to position the cursor.

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (08/15/84)

From: Kirk Kelley  <KIRK.TYM@OFFICE-2.ARPA>
We wish to solve this problem too.  We are currently using a little box with a 
Z80.  It is manufactured in small quantities to interface a Hawley mouse and 
chord board (for the empty hand) to the IBM PC and Zenith 100.  The box can 
change to different settings and modes by receiving instructions back from the 
PC.   For the PC the keyboard, mouse and chordboard all three plug into the box 
which then plugs directly into the keyboard port.  The Zenith was a little 
trickier since it does not have a detachable keyboard.

For the MAC there may be better ways to solve this problem, but we dont have the
inside mac documentation.  Assuming there is nothing on the mouseport inside the
mac to sense any currently unused pins, one idea is to use the existing MAC 
mouse port for coordinates and one button.  Then put the other buttons into a 
different port on the back or into the keyboard port.  There are a couple of 
things we would like to know.

   Are there four unused codes we can send to indicate the other two mouse 
   button up/down states?

   Is there some way to send info from the mac back to the keyboard port so the 
   box can set its modes? 

 -- kirk

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (08/15/84)

From: ogcvax!hp-pcd!hplabs!sdcrdcf!akgua!psuvax1!burdvax!bpa!sjuvax!drexel!dave
Starting with version .5x of macterminal,  you can get around the emacs screen
with the mouse.  you point to a spot, hold down the option key, and click.
Macterminal sends arrow characters to the host until the cursor gets to the
mouse cursor.  That makes emacs easyer to use on a mac than a vt100... I've gotten
to like emacs on the mac.
				Dave Kliman @ drexel.