[fa.info-mac] drivers/accessories in C

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (08/18/84)

From: Bill Croft <croft@safe>
Mike Schuster at CALTECH posted his "calendar" desk accessory a few
days ago.  If you want to compile it, pickup the file <info-mac>rmaker.c
from SUMEX.  This is a shell archive that contains a 
new rmaker that understands accessories and a RAM disk driver, in C.

To make Mike's calendar easier to load, I've also posted calendar.dl
and calendar.rsrc on <info-mac>.  rmaker.c and calendar.dl are plain
ASCII;  calendar.rsrc must be transfered in "tenex" or "type l 8" mode.
Calendar.dl is the "tohex"ed version of calendar.rsrc.