info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (09/01/84)
From: kato.PA@XEROX.ARPA 1. Received a flyer from Creative Solutions announcing that Level 2 upgrades are available for $100. You have to send back all of your Level 1 stuff. I've seen Level 2 at my local dealer. The Level 2 documentation consists of the production Level 1 spiral bound manual and a three ring binder which I assume has preliminary Level 2 stuff in it. It looks like the same type of binders as the preliminary Level 1 stuff. 2. I bought a Lisa 2/5 with MacWorks, Lisa Office System, and the Lisa Pascal Workshop. I've had as much difficulty as anyone can have trying to install and run the stuff. It's actually quite straight-forward and simple. Just keep feeding Lisa what it tells you it wants. Here's what happened: The Office System installed with no problems. When installing Pascal, I clicked "Erase Disk" by mistake. That should be no problem since the Lisa Workshop can run without it. The Workshop installed with no problem. However, I got an error 131 when trying to execute either the Editor or the Pascal compiler. It seems to me that I have a rotten set of distribution floppies. But just in case, I tried to re-install both the Office System and the Workshop. So when installing the Office System, I clicked "Erase disk". The disk wrirred for a while, then I got an Alert box saying that the Lisa couldn't write to the disk. Now I can't install my software. Suspecting a hardware failure, I tried installing MacWorks. Since my software is 2.0, I can either have a Lisa disk or a Mac disk but not both. I figured I had nothing to lose. The MacWorks erased the disk and installed just fine, so there's no hardware problem. I've even transferred MacWrite and MacPaint over and run them with no problems. So, I try to re-install the Lisa stuff again. Both Lisa software sets insist that they can't talk to the disk while re-initializing. I need to re-initialize since MacWorks uses a different file structure. I haven't been to see the dealer yet, but if anyone out there knows what is going on and can tell me what to do, I'd appreciate it. My plan is to go to the dealer with my distribution floppies and see if I can install the software on another Lisa.