[fa.info-mac] [sullivan@NYU-ACF4

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (09/08/84)

From: David H M Spector <SPECTOR@NYU-CMCL1.ARPA>
Here is an interesting bug found by one of my co-workers here at NYU...

Begin forwarded message.
Date: 5 Sep 84 12:13 EDT
From: sullivan@NYU-ACF4
To:	spector@cmcl1
Subject: MacPaint Bug
Return-Path: <sullivan@NYU-ACF4>
Received: from NYU-ACF4.ARPA by NYU-CMCL1.ARPA via INTERNET with SMTP ; Wed, 5 S
	ep 1984 12:12 EDT
Received: by NYU-ACF4.ARPA; Wed, 5 Sep 84 12:11:52 edt
Transmitted: Wed, 5 Sep 84 12:11:52 edt

I found an interesting bug in MacPaint.  Do any sort of thing you want,
and every now and then do a "show page" from the "goodies" menu (or
whatever it is to show the whole page).  After doing this a few times
you will eventually get the nasty "the disk is almost full" message,
regardless of how much disk space you think you have.  I surmise that
"show page" makes temp files and doesn't get rid of them.  Once out
of MacPaint, they seem to disappear, because you'll have the gobs of
disk space you always thought you had.
