[fa.info-mac] Correction on 512K cost

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (09/14/84)

From: Thomas.Newton@cmu-cs-spice.arpa
I have just received mail telling me that the upgrade will cost $880 (the
corrected pricing info was posted yesterday) and that we WILL get MacDraw
and MacProject with the upgrade.  As Dave Anderson wrote, this is more like

Given how early I asked about the upgrade price, I'm not too surprised that
it changed.  I am surprised that (a) we will be getting MacDraw & MacProject,
while (b) the q&a session transcript claims that we won't be getting them.

Has anyone seen the q&a release anywhere other than (a) my message to info-
mac (some questions), or (b) the Apple Users Group on Compuserve (complete
version & my original source)?  It seems to me that it may well be incorrect.
Has Apple published any corrections?