info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (09/18/84)
From: kato.PA@XEROX.ARPA Why me?? Actually there are two bugs here, both involving the same (alleged) feature: Going to the Editor straight from the Pascal compiler. The "hasty" 2.0 compiler (V1.143 9-Mar-84) just gives this message then quits but doesn't affect anything else: PCSetRunCmd(-#Boot-Editor) The MacSupplement compiler (V1.153 22-Mar-84) gives this message then quits: PCSetRunCmd(E) When you try to use Gen (V2.57 22-Mar-84) with the Supplement Pascal, the last error message you got when trying the E option is stuck in the command input buffer and tries to use that message as the input file name. If you're using a command (oops EXEC) file to run your compile/gen/link commands, it stops using the command file. This happens even after a succesful compilation. Either way, the E option just don't work! I haven't been able to find the document called "Putting Together a Mac Application". Is it using an alias? This seems like a pretty important document. BTW, I received my Supplement just yesterday. I'm also typing in some of the utilities from Kernighan and Plaugher's "Software Tools in Pascal". Hints: 1) Use the UCSD primitives 2) When typing in the utilities, use xstring instead of string. I've already got the sort utility running and am now typing in the macro processor.