info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (09/19/84)
From: Peter Homeier <homeier@AEROSPACE> There is further information regarding the MANX C compilers for the Macintosh in the current BYTE, page 474, clarifying what the difference is between the two versions. The feature states: "Manx Software Systems has released two C compiler development systems for the Macintosh: Aztec C68K-p and Aztec C68K-c. A set of development utilities, called the Aztec C68K Toolbox, is also available. "Aztec C68K-p, designed for personal use, comes with a C compiler, a 68000 relocating macro assembler, a UNIX system library, an editor, and a shell environment. "The C68K-c is intended for commercial applications. It comes with all the features of the personal version and with support for the Macintosh toolbox, including windows, an overlay linkage editor, and dynamically relocatable code with unlimited code size. "The Aztec Macintosh C compiler's code size and execution speeds are said to outperform any native development system currently available for the Macintosh. "The Aztec C compiler is also available as a cross-development system from PC-DOS, MS-DOS, CP/M-86, and Lisa. Prices begin at $199 for the personal C system. Contact Manx Software Systems Inc., POB 55, Shrewsbury, NJ 07701, (800) 221-0440; in New Jersey, (201) 780-4004."