[net.misc] socks

harkins (04/11/83)

i never lose socks! why? well, i look in the top of the dryer where they
cling, from all the static; the other hiding place is the lip of the
washer drum closest to you where you can't see; try it.  ernie

evans (04/12/83)

I check all these secret hiding places our socks love to hide in, but last
month I still came back one short.  The washer hasn't worked right since,
but that has nothing to do with my sock, does it?

harkins (04/13/83)

harrumph!! sir, are you suggesting i exaggerate?  is that a sock in
your martini or wine in your stein?  not barefoot, ernie

richl (04/14/83)

I never lose my pair of socks either. 'Course, that's cuz they always are
so sticky....

loeb (04/14/83)

While theoretically missing socks should all turn up
in the next dryer load, it doesn't always work that way.
Sometimes the dimention door (or whatever it is) gets
screwed up, and while the socks do return, they have all
their component parts turned inside out--that's where lint
comes from.                  -Corinne

paulsc (04/14/83)

With all the net news about socks, I went home and counted my socks.

I have an even number of socks.

I have an odd number of tube socks and an
odd number of regular socks.

Oh well.

Paul Scherf,

evans (04/14/83)

While on the interesting subject of materials changing into other and/or 
disappearing/reappearing some other place/time, could someone please
explain the following?

I have a cheap little wire-dipole antenna on the stereo in my apartment,
now, what happens to the thumbtacks which I drop to the floor when I'm trying
to rearrange the sucker?  At least a dozen have managed to escape me without
a trace...  but i hear them as they bounce off the stereo, so where do they
go after that?

					desperate, and running low on tacks,
					barry evans

pbr (04/15/83)

	Was Barry Evans kidding when he mentioned a missing sock
coincedent with washing machine trouble? Barry, you will find the
sock in the drain line of the washing machine. Was that a GE washer
by any chance?

dave (04/21/83)

The main problem I have noticed with socks is that you start pairing them
up, say, black with black, black with (well, almost-)black, almost-black
with slightly-less-black, etc. At the end you have 17 pairs of apparently
perfectly matched socks, and two socks which you wouldn't be caught dead
wearing together. All you can do is wait till the next load.
		Becoming afraid to change my socks,
			Dave Sherman