[fa.info-mac] DVORAK REQUEST

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (09/26/84)

From: Mark Bojman <MARKBO@MIT-MC>

Does anyone have a dvorak keyboard in the works for the Mac ?? I've tried
to find the keyboard translation table to this myself and failed. Inside
Mac (as far as I can tell) doesn't give enough information to really make the
Job do-able.

BUT, Anything that any of you have done, out there could be a help in finishing
this task. I would be happy to share the results ( and implementation) over
the net.

Thank You !!

Mark Bojman     <MARKBO at MIT-MC>

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (09/27/84)

From: Charlie Spitzer <Spitzer@HIS-PHOENIX-MULTICS.ARPA>
If I typed this correctly, it is a routine to change the Mac keyboard to


100 REM Dvorak (simplified) keyboard setup (same as //c)
110 'by Ronald H. Hicholson, Jr  CIS ID [71555,1513]
120 PRINT "Do you want your keyboard modified to Dvorak";
130 INPUT A$:IF A$<>"y" AND A$<>"Y" THEN STOP
140 DEF FNLPEEK(Z)=PEEK(Z+3)+256*(PEEK(Z+2)+256*(PEEK(Z+1)+256*PEEK(Z)))
160 ' following are the strings for qwerty,dvorak
170 '    dvorak shifted,and dvorak with caps lock
180 QWERTY$="asdfgzxcv~bqwert12345=97-80]ou[ip~ljk'k;\,/nm."
190 DVORAK$="aoeudi;qjk~x',.pfy123465=97]80{rg/cl~nh-ts\wzbmv"
220 MID$(DVORSH$,13,1)=CHR$(34):REM place DBL.QUOTA in string
230 MID$(DVORAK$,37,1)=CHR$(13):REM place CR in string
240 MID$(DVORSH$,37,1)=CHR$(13):REM place CR in string
250 MID$(DVORCL$,37,1)=CHR$(13):REM place CR in string
260 '
270 '  find "asdf" KEYC package
280 P=&H2500
290 WHILE FNLPEEK(P)<>(65536|*&H6173+&H6466)
300   P=P+2:WEND
310 IF FNLPEEK(P+&H35)<>(65536!*&H4153+&H4446) THEN P=P+2:GOTO 290
320 '
330 ' install dvorak @ P
350 FOR I=0 TO &H2F:POKE (P+&H35+I),ASC(MID$(DVORSH$,I+1,1)):NEXT I
360 FOR I=0 TO &H2F:POKE (P+&H6a+I),ASC(MID$(DVIRCL$,I+1,1)):NEXT I
370 PRINT "done"
380 PRINT "Select Key Caps from Menu for help."
385 PRINT "Reset gets you back to QWERTY"
390 END