[fa.info-mac] MacTerminal. Some highlights.

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (10/03/84)

From: "David H M Spector" <SPECTOR@NYU-CMCL1.ARPA>
I have had a number of requests for information on the release version of
MacTerminal, so I thought it would be best to spill my guts for everyone
at once instead of individually.   So in no real order, here goes:

The New (Release) version of Macterminal is marked as Version 1.1, and dated 
August 17, 1984.  The release disk comes with the Terminal Application, and
a number of Macterminal sample documents.  Also included is a Macterminal
document preset for use with AppleLine, and there is another application to
deal with Apple's cluster controller.  Older MacTerminal documents are
(*Sigh*) incompatable with this release.

The manual for this release is billed as "Preliminary", but included is
a card for a "real" one when it comes out in mid-november.  The manual, as it
stands seems complete, and the only thing it is missing is the wire "o" ring

There is an insert in the manual that advises one not to move Macterminal
to a hard disk on the modem port, and gives instructions for using the
printer port with the modem.
Evidently, there is a problem with heavy I/O on the serial ports.

This version seems to have all of the known bugs fixed.  It even does the
 Clear-to-end-of-Line right.  MacTerminal has also picked up the sometimes
annoying habit of writing to the disk every now and then; I have been told
that Terminal is taking snapshots of memory in case of powerfailures...
One of the really nice things about this version, is that the zeros are 
slashed.  (That was driving me crazy!)

This version correctly transfers files (documents) and applications that
have unknown (to YOUR desktop) icons. There is a marked decrease in the 
verbosity of most of the dialogs and menus. 

The buffering at higher baud rates seems much better handled, the screen moves
more smoothly, but since there is a lot of buffering going on, ^S/^Q sequences
entered from the keyboard my not be recognized until 2 or 3 screens later.

The cursor positioning with the mouse stuff is still there, but now you
get a new cursor when you press the OPTION key.

There is also strange section in the manual about extracting lines saved off
from terminal documents by selecting the application you want to place
the lines in, and the terminal document, and all sorts of magic will
happen.  It was a little too bizzare to play with at the moment...

I have (Unfortunately) found a few bugs too.  It seems the reset is sometimes
a bit reluctant to clear the terminal screen.  It will beep, and reset all
the settings to the startup defaults, but won't clear the screen, and you have
to try again.  As I said, this happens sometimes, other times it will reset
Also, I had the misfortune to have hit the reset on the programmers
switch when in terminal, and found that when I tried to restart TERMINAL from
the document I had been using, that it was ''damaged or edited...'', and had to
reconfigure it from scratch.

Finally, it seems that now matter where you have the IMAGEWRITER file, even if
you have one on each disk drive, MacTerminal will complain about it being
missing, and tell you that you can't print things.  I event replaced
the whole system folder on the startup disk, it still kvetched.

Those are some of the highlights,...it is really a nice product.  The bugs,
with the possible exception the the powerfail thing, are no deadly..

			Hope this answers a few questions for
			some people...
