[fa.info-mac] APPLE RUMOR

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (10/03/84)


Warning, this is JUST a rumor, and ONLY that... I have ONLY heard it from
ONE source, and that is all...

Somebody told me that Apple bought ALL of the advertiseing space in the
NOV 7 Newsweek!!

Now the person that told me this works in the publishing bussiness soo...

Anyway, this is JUST a rumor!!!


PS: If this is true, it is a historic first!!


[Editor: Yes, this is true. Apple has bought out all the advertising space in
the special election issue of Newsweek, due out on November 7th. 40 of the
114 pages will be Apple ads, many covering Macintosh third party hardware and
softeware. The whole thing will cost Apple 2-3 Million $$$]