[fa.info-mac] MacPascal and lining up comments

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (10/05/84)

From: Michael Rubin <RUBIN@COLUMBIA-20.ARPA>
Use Resource Mover or the Font Editor to replace MacPascal's default font with
a monospaced font....  Yes, tab stops for comments and ability to specify an
alternate (presumably monospaced) font for quoted strings would be better, but
someone will have to write that.

BTW, the right way to get column headers to line up:

	writeln("First":12, "Second":12, "Third":20);
	writeln("Column":12, "Column":12, "Column":20);
	writeln(this:12, that:12, other:20);

That makes it a lot easier if you want to change formats later; you might also
put the widths in CONST's.