info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (09/28/84)
From: KSPROUL@RUTGERS.ARPA I I actually got one today, my local store got in 3... (Unfortunately, its not for me, but for one of the bosses, but I have it to play with for a day or so..) Anyway, they are actually out, and its not even October yet.. Way to go Apple... -------
info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (10/09/84)
From: leavitt.guest@XEROX.ARPA I got one too. Finally, after listening to this list for all these months. Two things seem to work differently (so far). First, when you try to use Disk Copy, you are told that that only works on the 128K Mac. This is just as well, since you can copy with only one or two swaps. Second, the "Guided Tour" sections on MacWrite lose synchronization between the tape and the screen at the beginning. Once you resynchronize, it works fine. I haven't written any 80 page papers since Saturday, so I can't report how MacWrite handles big files. Mike